

Senin, 21 November 2016

Formal and Informal Letter

What is a Formal and Informal Letter ???

Writing letter these days has become restricted to business and governmental organizations as mobile have taken over this mode of communication as people prefer to SMS each other not bothering to write. However, the importance of writing letters can never be underestimated. It has to be understood that writing to a letter is certainly different from writing to the principal of your college as you are informal with your friend while you are required to behave formally with your principal. There are differences in writing styles of formal and informal letters that shall be highlighted in this article.
Do you notice the difference when you are reading a text book and when you are reading a movie magazine? Obviously you do. The whole style of writing gets changed as it is all academic and scientific in a text book while it is like telling a story to a friend in case of a gossip magazine. As the setting changes so do tone, syntax, and entire vocabulary. There are no slang in a text book while movie magazine is full of slang. You can understand the difference between a formal and informal letter visualizing yourself well dressed for a wedding with the tie when you go out to a casual beach party with your friends.

Formal Letters
Formal letters are sent to organizations, government departments, chair holders, etc to make complaints, requests, inquiries, orders etc. In case of formal letters, the person to whom you are addressing the letter is not a friend or any other person known to you. Your tone is full of respect making use of formal words and sentences to create a nice impression on the recipient. Formal letter follow a set format where you write the name, designation, and address of the recipient on the top left while your own name and address at the top right. You sign off at the bottom left under yours truly or yours faithfully.

Informal Letters
Informal letters are written to friends and relatives. The purpose of writing a letter is not to make a complaint or inquiry, and the tone is also casual. The words used can be colloquial and slang, and you are not there to create an impression. Informal letters can be considered a freestyle swimming where you are free to write in the style and tone as you wish. There is no set format, and there is no need to be using formal style and tone.

what is the difference between formal and informal letter ?
1. The purpose of writing an informal letter is totally different from the purpose of a formal letter.
2. The content of the two styles is also different.
3. The style of greeting and addressing the letter is different.
4. There is a set format for formal letters while there is not set structure for an informal letter.
5. Slang and colloquial words can be used in an informal letter but not in a formal letter.

Example for formal letter

Dear Sir or Madam,
Through this letter we announce that we will be holding a celebration of the 58th anniversary of SMAN KBI on:
day/date: Saturday, 29th November 2014.
time: 10.00 p.m
We would be very grateful if you could attend to the event. Thank you for your attention.
The Principal of SMAN KBI
Joko Subagio, M. Pd

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

Active and Passive Voice

Active and Passive Voice

Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya berbuat sesuatau atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan.
Passive Voice adalah konstruksi tata bahasa (secara khusus, specifically, a “voice”). Kata atau frasa kata benda yang akan menjadi obyek dari kalimat aktif,  muncul sebagai subjek kalimat dengan suara pasif.

11.  Simple Present Tense
·               Active    : Shakti keeps some fruit in the refrigerator
Passive : The fruit are kept in the refrigerator
·               Active    : My mother always washes the dishes every morning
Passive : The dishes are washed by my mother
·               Active    : Ana always makes some cakes on sunday
Passive : The cakes are always made by Ana on Sunday
·               Active    : Theo writes an article
Passive : An article is written by Theo
·               Active    : Radhu buys a book
Passive : A book is bought by Radhu

22. Simple Past Tense
·               Active    : I saw many new things during holidays
Passive : Many new things were seen during holidays
·               Active    : The criminal stole my neighbor’s car
Passive : My neighbor’s car was stolen
·               Active    : Realine visited my house yesterday
Passive : Yesterday my house was visited by realine
·               Active    : Ali drive a car last night
Passive : a car was driven by Ali last night
·               Active    : Imam ate a banana
Passive : a banana was eaten by Imam


My Experience

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

I'd like to share about my experience one year ago on the 22nd of April 2015. It was my 19th birthday. I got a surprise from my friends. In that time, I had a class schedule at campus.

At first, i felt sad because they didn't say happy birthday to me, maybe they forgot it. And then in the evening, I prayed Ashar and waited for Maghrib with my friend named Lisna in the mosque of gunadarma E campus.

After prayed Maghrib, suddenly I got a call from my friend named Christy. She lost her motor cycle. I was really shocked and then me and Christy decided to meet in the campus parking lot.

I looked for her with lisna. I walked along the parking lot that located on top floor because Christy told me that her motor cycle was parked there.

When I walked to get my motor cycle on 2nd floor, I was very shocked because my motor cycle wasn't there! I stood up languidly. I was scared of my father would be angry at me. I didn't know what to do. Then, lisna suggested to meet Christy first. And we both went to the top floor to meet her.

We arrived on the top floor and met Christy. She cried and another my friends named Wati, Avi, Septi were there with her. We all soothed her who cried and I told them that I lost my motor cycle too. At the same time, they all poured me a floor and water to my head while shouted a happy birthday to me. I felt happy and a bit surprised because they didn't forget my birthday. And then I realized my motor cycle didn't lose. They hide it on top floor too. Christy and avi were the suspects. They took the key and hide it well. They all gave me a gift and ugly photo of me. My motor cycle was very dirty because chily sauce, detergent, shampoo, water were on my motor cycle.

The important thing is I was very happy. Thank you for Lisna, Wati, Christy, Avi, Septi. Thank you so much for gave me such a big beautiful surprise. Even the story was very ordinary hahaha but i felt really good to received from them. And that surprise, i will not forget it. Thank you vey much. Im so lucky because Allah give me friends like you guys… love you

Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Peran Pemuda dan Koperasi dalam Menyambut MEA

MEA atau Masyarakat Ekonomi  Asean merupakan isu terhangat yang dibicarakan awal tahun ini. Hal ini disebabkan karena terlibatnya Indonesia dalam kegiatan tersebut. MEA sendiri dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas perekonomian dinegara – negara yang ada didalamnya. Dengan dibentuknya MEA, diharapkan kawasan ekonomi ASEAN mampu mengatasi masalah – masalah dibidang ekonomi.
        Sebagian masyarakat Indonesia menganggap persiapan negara kita dalam menghadapi MEA belumlah cukup. Apalagi MEA memerlukan kesiapan semua lapisan masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk kawula muda. Peran pemuda sangat diharapkan agar mampu bersaing dengan para pekerja asing yang akan masuk ke Indonesia. Pemuda Indonesia ditekankan untuk lebih memotivasi diri dengan skill dan kemampuan khususnya dibidang ekonomi dan kewirausahaan.
           Melalui koperasi, pemuda dapat dengan mudah mewujudkan segala kreativitas  dan inovasinya dengan menjadi anggota koperasi yang banyak tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia. Koperasi menyediakan aktifitas jasa keuangan yang memudahkan para pemuda menyimpan dan meminjam modal untuk membuka usaha dan menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi banyak orang.  Dengan cara itu, peran pemuda dan koperasi dinilai mampu untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di Indonesia.
                Hal ini digambarkan dalam poster dibawah ini :
          Background warna putih dan biru dimaksudkan seperti warna langit, yang berarti bahwa  semua cita – cita dan impian para peserta MEA diharapkan dapat terwujud dan tercapai. Kemudian lingkaran yang terdiri dari berbagai negara Asian Tenggara mengartikan bahwa seluruh anggota bersatu padu dan bekerja sama dalam meningkatkan ekonomi dikawasan Asia. Sedangkan bendera yang saling berjajar satu sama lain diumpamakan bahwa kedudukan semua rakyat Asian memiliki derajat yang sama tanpa saling mendahului satu sama lain.

                Selamat Datang MEA, Kami Siap Menyambutmu!